Monday, July 28, 2008

Comic-con 2008

Once again, we made the trek all the way down to San Diego (which of course in German means a "Whale's Vagina") for the sweetest (non-erotic) convention, Comic-con. We saw a lot of things, smelled a bunch of rankness, and grabbed a crapload free stuff. Here are da pics:

Starscream from the new Animated Transformers series. I think it was a girl in that costume...

Spider-man + helicopter = MIND BLOWN

Special Edition Optimus Prime. This ish is coming out in December and it will be mine, oh yes it will be mine.

The stormtroopers were out in full effect.

Keeping up the tradition, we took a break and ate some grub at Dick's.

Cardboard Optimus is back!

The WB booth was always crowded for some reason. It also smelled like cheese and eggs (not in a good way) around that booth.

Megaman and Naruto, finally together. I told that kid to do that Rasengan, but that fool didn't know what I was talking about...weak

Next time: Free swag and pick ups!

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