Sunday, August 24, 2008

Sunset Junction, What's Your Function

On Saturday, the bf and I checked out Sunset Junction. I'm not really in the mood to write a detailed description of the hipster awesomeness that I saw or the numerous times I got asked if I'm tested for STDs and Hepatitis. Yea, I'm not sure if I would go up to a stranger and say, "Hey! Have you been tested! I think you should! It only takes 5's a sticker!" For me, that's a personal question, I don't care if the stranger himself has been tested, I really don't wanna know what/who/how he's done the dirty deed. I was just there to grab some free shit, check out the bands, and enjoy the smells of street meat. Anyway, check out my photos of the festival...there's only enjoy.

I love these tall jugs with colorful fruit drinks. They just add so much color to an otherwise boring white booth.

This is the band Bodies of Water. Me thinks they sound just like Arcade Fire.

Yes, I know what you're thinking. The Video Market has adult movie rentals?!?! (That's a dude to the left of the chick. I think he rocks his outfit better than Ms. Pochahontas boots).

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