So coming home from work, not really looking forward to eating a Lean Cusine for dinner. I have a choice between french bread pizza or pasta, but I'm craving for something spicy...something fatty to tide me over from a long day's work, but decide that my taste buds will just have take it or leave it. But..what's this? I see what seems to be a makeshift taco stand in front of the next door apartment. I eagerly check it out and hope I don't look like some loser introuding on a party or a nosey neighbor trying to stage some investigation and call the police. Turns out this taco stand has moved from place to place around the hood, first next to the Ranch Mercado on Beverly and here? In the middle of my street?!?!? Thank you carne asada and carnita gods for listening to my pleas for something spicy and fatty. For 2 bucks I got two carne asada tacos with cilantro and salsa. Delicious! I hope the taco stand comes back next week....
Yummy, yummy tacos
So a couple weeks ago, I picked up I Like Food, Food Tastes Good from Borders..basically a book about what rockers eat when they're not rocking out. I decided to make Devandra Banhart's dessert "Africanitas Ricas" because it seemed fairly simple to do and who doesn't like fried bananas? I tweaked the recipe a little bit (his reciped didnt have specific measurements) and used plantains instead of regular bananas and also substituted cinammon graham crackers for the boring one. It came out pretty tasty...except that the bananas weren't ripe, but sprinkle some sugar on it and it'll make your stomach smile!
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