Sunday, March 16, 2008

I like stuuuff...St Patty's Day edition

Since this week's blog theme seems to be "stuff," I gathered whatever green item I could find in my room in honor of St. Patrick's Day. For every green thing I found, I pretended I was Dorothy from "Return to Oz," and held my hands over it while saying, "OZ" - hoping that it would magically transform into Tik-Tok or Jack Pumpkinhead. Seriously, I didn't do that.

Anyway, clockwise from top to bottom:

My Shag book-
One of the most awesome-est illustrators around, I saw him give a talk at Comic-Con once and was literally sitting with my mouth wide open. It's like seeing Abraham Lincoln give his Gettysburg address and feeling all tingly cuz you know he will change your life somehow. If you like monkeys with fezes, this book's for you.

Travel Journal-
Got this as a Christmas present from a way cool friend. I hope to fill this book up one day with adventures of reindeer romps in the North Pole and hanging out with Bret and Jemaine in New Zealand.

Bird Button-
Not sure who designed this, but it's super cute. Got it from the Swerve festival back in September.

Bath & Body Work's "Just for Kids Awesome Apple Anti-Bacterial
Instant Hand Foam"-
I'm kinda sad that they discontinued their line of kids' anti-bacterial lotions and hand soaps. They smell really fruity and sweet, like candy! The banana scented stuff had a cute name of "Bananarama Ding Dong." Anyway, I use this ish all the time when I touch germy stuff. Works wonders and also moisturizes your skin!

Green Ballpoint Pen--
Why stick to boring black or blue ink when you can use green?

Aveeno Clear Complexion Foaming Cleaner-
I use this every night and I'm a sucker for anything that foams after you pump it.

Green Fiskars scissor-
I've had this since high school and it's my trusty pair that's always by my desk.

Skeleton Key Caps-
Got these from Urban Outfitters cuz they were way too cute (supposedly the glow in the dark, but maybe I need to hide them in my closet first...yuk-yuk).

Green Face Towel-
I love the doily pattern on this towel, not to mention the bright green! Scored this from the sale section at Anthropologie awhile back.

OSH Flashlight-
Ok, ok, this flashlight isn't really green (maybe teal?), anyway the batteries are dead in this thing and if there's a major earthquake in the future, I'm screwed!

GSF (Gnome Sorcery Federation) shirt-
I actually belong to this federation. We meet once a year and discuss the positive qualities of the Travelocity gnome and what gnome enthusiasts can do so the rest of society won't think that all gnomes are evil like the ones in R.L. Stein's Goosebumps.

Lysol Disinfecting Wipes-
They do a good job of cleaning up dust particles and ketchup blobs on tables. This ish smells good too!

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