Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Maiden Voyage of Linux (AKA The Gentleman)

Even though news of my new bike Linux the Gentleman hit the blogosphere last week, here is footage of its first ride. I decided to hit up the Ballona Creek Bike Path since it's pretty much down the street from my place and it'll be good practice for if/when I start biking to work. The path basically goes from Culver City down to Dockweiler beach in El Segundo.

Scion tC for the win. As the locals would say "No need bike rack".

The entry to the bike path off of Centinela Ave. The Era of Biking has begun!

Ballona Creek wildlife. Even though the "river" smells kind of funky, I guess the ducks like it.

I take a break at the next entry point to the bike path. This is near the Beverage Warehouse. The meaty thighs are starting to feel the burn at this point. Jeans were a bad decision.

I see some cool cats living the good life once I hit the Marina area.

Finally hit the beach. It looks beautiful at this time of day, but I doubt I'll go for a swim any time soon. Now it's time for the long trek back to my car.

All in all, I realized a few things:

- My bike needs some work to get the speed up (road tires, higher gear ratio, remove extra weight, etc.)
- The bike commute to work is longer than expected. If anything, I'll cheat and drive halfway.
- There are some neat sites to see in LA if you look hard enough...*twinkle the more you know*

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